
CHANG En-Tzu (b.1983-) born in Kaohsiung city, TAIWAN.2008年獲得第25屆高雄獎,2009年畢業於高雄師範大學美術學系研究所。現為張恩慈藝術有限公司負責人。

CHANG was an artist in-residence at Watermill center in Long Island , New York in 2009. Awarded the Special Jury Prize for the open call for Louis Vuitton’s cultural space in Taipei in 2010. Invited by Mori Art Museum in Japan to participate in the 10th anniversary exhibition"All You Need Is LOVE" in 2013 .In 2014 , she participate exhibition in"Jie:Boundaries of Self in Contemporary Art from Taiwan 1995 – 2013"in Cornell University’ Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, In 2015, she was invited as resident artist at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. Her works have been invited in exhibitions and collections in Taiwan, New York, Tokyo and South Korea.


2021    Sugar House , Providence University Art Center , Taichung City , TAIWAN.

2020    Our allies , Beyond Gallery , Taipei City , TAIWAN.

2018   &nbspDo you still recall , Beyond Gallery , Taipei City , TAIWAN.

2017   &nbspBig Brother is watching you , Crane Gallery , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN.

2013    Perfect Imperfection , Sincewell Gallery , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN.

2012    Interweaving Messages of Family , Kao Yuan University Art Center , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN .

2009    Relax,I am just Awake , Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture , Taipei City , TAIWAN.

2008    What do you see at very moment Ⅱ , WomBloc Arts , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN.

2007    What do you see at very moment Ⅰ, Taiwan news Arts union gallery , Tainan , TAIWAN


2022 「野放途」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣

2022    CTBC Painting Prize , Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts , Taipei City , TAIWAN.

2019  「人鏡關係」,朱銘美術館,新北,台灣

2018  「造夢者:潛意識劇場─河床劇團20年」,誠品畫廊,台北,台灣

2017  「辯相」,弔詭畫廊,高雄,台灣

2016  「Lab實驗啟動計劃-窺」,松山文創園區,台北,台灣

           Her Gaze , Taiwan Academy , Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York , New York , USA

           CLUES-Art by Textural Combination , Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN.

2015  「迷走樂園」,西帖國際藝術中心,巴黎,法國

2014  「界:台灣當代藝術展1995-2013」,康乃爾大學強生美術館,美國

           My story , maybe yours , Crane Gallery , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN.

           30 x 2 / 40 x 2 : Holy and Profane , NUNU Fine Art , Taipei city , TAIWAN.

2013  「LOVE:藝術與愛的主題-從夏卡爾到草間彌生、初音未來」,森美術館,東京,日本

           Mona Lisa Made in Taiwan , Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN.

2012  「飛行熱氣球-台灣當代藝術展」,尊彩藝術中心,台北,台灣

2011  「藝術台灣」,台北駐日經濟文化代表處官邸,東京,日本

          Very Fun Park Contemporary Art Exhibition , Aveda Eslite Space , Taipei city , TAIWAN.

          The Contemporary Art , Liang Gallery , Taipei city , TAIWAN.

2010  「 Journey in My Mind」,LV 路易威登藝文空間,台北,台灣

           The Contemporary Art of Taiwan , Gyeongnam Art Museum , KOREA

           Post-Adolescence , National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts , TAIWAN.

2009  「地獄」,水磨坊藝術中心,紐約,美國

           Duel Regard – The views from Taiwanese Women’s Arts , National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts , TAIWAN.

           Between Pure and Naughty , Project Fulfill Art Space , Taipei City , TAIWAN.

           New Kaohsiung Wave: liberty – techniques , Sincewell Gallery , Kaohsiung City , TAIWAN.

2008  「2008高雄獎」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣


2015  巴黎西帖國際藝術中心 Cité Internationale des Arts 駐村藝術家

2009  紐約長島 Watermill Village 夏日駐村計劃藝術家


2010  評審特別獎 Journey in My Mind : LV藝文空間徵件計畫,Louis Vuitton路易威登台北藝文空間

2008  Made in Taiwan新人推薦特區,文化部

2008  高雄獎,高雄市立美術館


2023  「當溫柔成為利刃」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣

2015  「The Undetectable Smile」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣

2013  「How Brave – 2 」,Space K artplus藝術基金會,韓國

2013  「The princess in you 」,文化部藝術銀行,台中,台灣

2009  「Our Relationship」,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣

2007  「一眨眼,你看到什麼 !」,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣